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Common Comfrey is a genus of flowering plants in the family Boraginaceae.


Physical Description:

Leaves: Comfrey plants typically have large, hairy leaves that are lance-shaped or ovate. The leaves are arranged alternately along the stems.

Stems: The stems are robust and can grow quite tall. They may be hairy or rough in texture.

Flowers: Comfrey plants produce clusters of tubular flowers that can be various colors, including purple, blue, pink, or white, depending on the species.



Medicinal: Comfrey has been traditionally used in herbal medicine for its potential healing properties. The plant contains compounds such as allantoin, which is believed to have skin-soothing and cell-regenerating effects.

Garden Compost: Comfrey leaves are rich in nutrients and can be used as a valuable addition to compost to enhance soil fertility.


Growing Conditions:

Soil: Comfrey prefers well-drained, fertile soil. It can tolerate a variety of soil types.

Watering: Regular watering is beneficial for comfrey, especially during dry periods.

Sunlight: Comfrey thrives in full sun to partial shade.

Hardiness: Comfrey is hardy and can be grown in a range of climates.



Harvest comfrey leaves as needed for medicinal purposes. Regular pruning can help control the size of the plant and encourage new growth.


It's important to note that the use of comfrey internally has been a subject of debate due to potential health concerns related to pyrrolizidine alkaloids. As with any medicinal plant, it's advisable to consult with a healthcare professional before using comfrey for medicinal purposes.


Comfrey (Symphytum)

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